Social Engineering Insurance
Social Engineering insurance can provide protection for both your own loss, and also the loss of others you are liable for.
You can be covered for loss arising from Social Engineering Fraud, Phishing, Phreaking; or Cyber Fraud first occurring and reported to the Insurer during the Period of Insurance.
Social Engineering Fraud occurs when someone impersonates you, a client, or customer in order to get you to issue an instruction to a financial institution to debit, pay, or transfer money or securities from an account. This can also happen if there is collusion between you and a third party, as long as you were not a part of the collusion.
Phishing is a fraudulent use of electronic communications or websites to impersonate someone in order to solicit personal, confidential, or commercial information.
Phreaking is the unauthorized and malicious use of a telephone system that results in unauthorized charges or bandwidth costs.
Social Engineering attacks can be devastating for a business and staff concerned.
To obtain coverage, please contact us or complete our Cyber form.