Commercial Crime Insurance
Crime Insurance also called Fidelity insurance covers you for loss of money, securities or inventories in your business arising from criminal acts including employee dishonesty, embezzlement, computer wire fraud and counterfeiting.
Coverage encompasses both Internal Crime or External Crime with Internal Crime committed by employees, whilst external crime is by Third Parties.
Internal Crime is a direct financial loss as a result of fraud or dishonesty by your employees involving the theft of money, securities or property.
External Crime normally relates to computer fraud / crime, forgery or alteration, or counterfeit.
The types of loss suffered can be significant to a business and can occur over a period of time, and can include coverage for loss sustained by a client of yours as well.
Business Insurance Specialists has experience in providing commercial crime insurance for many different types of business occupations. We appreciate the difference in coverage between policies and have access to all the major insurers.
For a competitive Crime or Fidelity insurance quotation, please contact us today.